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Shortcut Keys

QierPlayer comes with common shortcut keys built-in, but they only take effect when the focus is on the player during page access.

You can configure the shortcut key functionality through the shortcutOptions parameter.

interface IShortcut {
  disabled?: boolean
  seekStep?: number
  volumeStep?: number
  showToast?: boolean
  toastDelay?: number

For example, to disable shortcut keys functionality, you can configure it like this:

import Player from 'qier-player'

const player = new Player({
  src: 'Your video URL',
  shortcutOptions: {
    disabled: true,

There are 6 default built-in shortcut keys:

Shortcut KeyDescription
RightFast forward
UpIncrease volume
DownDecrease volume
EscExit fullscreen
SpacebarPlay or pause

The increment size for volume and progress can be controlled using the seekStep and volumeStep parameters, with default values of 5 and 0.1 respectively.

import Player from 'qier-player'

const player = new Player({
  src: 'Your video URL',
  shortcutOptions: {
    seekStep: 10,
    volumeStep: 0.2,

showToast determines whether to display a tooltip when fast forwarding/rewinding or adjusting the volume, and toastDelay determines the duration of the tooltip's presence, defaulting to 500 milliseconds.

Released under the MIT License.